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Dumbbell Workout for Beginners

September 27, 2021 6 min read

Dumbbell Workout for Beginners

Incorporating dumbbells into your workout is an easy way to target almost any muscle in your body.Dumbbellsare a great way for beginners to ease into strength training, and they can be used in the comfort of your home.

If you’ve never used dumbbells before, don’t worry.

We’re here to tell you about the bestdumbbell exercises for beginners, and how to do them. You’ll also find out exactly which muscles are targeted by each dumbbell exercise.

Bicep Curls

Dumbbell Workout for Beginners

Bicep curls are the easiest and most effective way of optimally engaging your biceps, and the exercise is simple.

Grab two dumbbells and hold them in front of your thighs. Your palms should be facing forward. Simply bend your arms to bring the dumbbells up to your chest and bring them back down again.

Bicep curls are a versatile move. You can sit while doing bicep curls.Seated dumbbell exercises take the pressure off your spine. It is one of the simplestseated dumbbell exercises for seniors who want to strengthen their arms.

You can also choose to alternate arms if you don’t want to do bicep curls with both arms simultaneously.

Bicep curls can be a dumbbell and barbell workout. Beginners who are used to dumbbells, and feel confident enough to switch things up, can use a barbell to do bicep curls. Go for lighter plates or use the bar alone without plates.

Muscles Targeted

  • Biceps 
  • Forearms

Plank to Upright Row

The plank to upright row is an excellent way to burn fat and docardio with dumbbells. It is a variation of a plank that incorporates dumbbells to engage your core and arms.

Consider usinghex rubber dumbbells for this move. They are a safe option that will support you during this exercise.

Start in a planking position with your arms straight and extended, while each hand rests on a dumbbell. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart.

Walk or jump so that both of your feet end up outside your hands. You should end up in a low squat. From this position, raise your dumbbells from the floor and raise out of the squat. You should end in an upright position with your dumbbells hanging in front of your body.

Next, in your standing position, pull the dumbbells to your chest with your elbows pointing to the sides as you bring the dumbbell upward.

Release your arms and repeat the move.

Muscles Targeted

  • Core 
  • Glutes 
  • Arms 
  • Shoulders 
  • Chest

Lateral Raises

A lateral raise is a perfect way for beginners to work their shoulder muscles, and the move is very simple. This is one of the simpleslight dumbbell exercises for beginners because you do not need to use heavy weights.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the dumbbells hang next to your outer thighs. Lift your arms laterally to the side, as if you are flapping wings.

When the weights are parallel to the floor, bring them back down again, and repeat. Remember to keep your elbows slightly bent.  

While you do need to keep your core engaged to keep yourself upright, you do not need a lot of core strength to do this move. This is one of the safestdumbbell exercises for women and beginners who are still learning the ropes with dumbbells.  

Muscles Targeted

  • Shoulders 
  • Triceps

Dumbbell Bench Press

dumbbells workout at home for beginners

For this exercise, you need two dumbbells and a bench. Lie flat n your back on the bench. Keep your feet flat on the floor for support or place them on the bench. Do whatever is the most comfortable for you.

Hold the dumbbells next to your shoulders with bent arms and push them upwards until they are directly over your shoulders. Lower the dumbbells back down again and to your sides. The dumbbells should end up slightly lower than your shoulders.   

While performing bicep bench presses, keep your abs engaged. Refrain from locking your elbows at the top of the move, and do not let your shoulder blades rise from the bench.

Muscles Targeted

  • Core 
  • Pecs 
  • Triceps 
  • Anterior delts

Tricep Kickbacks

Tricep kickbacks are a move that can be done in a few ways. For beginners, we recommend using a bench to rest one arm and leg for support. Tricep kickbacks can also be done with both arms simultaneously and without a bench.

Put your knee, shin, and foot on the bench. Lean forward so that your upper body is in a straight line and parallel to the floor. Place one hand on the bench for support.

With your free arm, hold the dumbbell and press your arm to your side and bend your elbows 90 degrees. Next, straighten your arm backwards. Your arm should be extended and parallel to the floor. Bring the dumbbell back down, and repeat.

Contract your triceps at the top of the move for the best muscle activation.

Muscles Targeted

  • Triceps 
  • Core 
  • Forearms

Renegade Row

dumbbell exercises for beginners

The renegade row is a type of plank variation with dumbbells, that effectively work your core too. Hex dumbbells work the best for this exercise.

Begin in a planking position with your arms extended. Your hands should be resting on your dumbbells and you should balance on your toes.

Contract your abs to stabilize yourself and pull one dumbbell upwards until it is next to your hip. Keep the weight close to your side. Slowly return the dumbbell to the floor, and do the same thing with your other arm.

Muscles Targeted

  • Triceps 
  • Core 
  • Back

Goblet Squats

This is one of the bestexercises with one dumbbell to work your glutes, legs, arms, and core.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, ready to do a squat. Hold the dumbbell against your chest with both hands, and keep it there for the whole exercise.

Squat down until your hips drop below your knees. Do not let your knees go over your toes. Drive up and push from your heels with your feet flat on the ground to raise from out of the squat.

Squeeze your bum at the top of the move for the best muscle activation and keep your core engaged the entire time to maintain the right form.

Muscles Targeted

  • Glutes 
  • Quads 
  • Hamstrings 
  • Core 
  • Arms 
  • Delts

Overhead Press

beginners dumbbell workout

Overhead presses can be done seated or standing. This is also one of the bestdumbbell exercises on a stability ball if you feel confident enough to use one.

Hold the dumbbells next to your shoulders with your elbows out to the side. There should be a 90-degree bend in your elbows.

Extend your arms towards the air and press the dumbbells overhead. Slowly bring them back down to the starting position and repeat.

Keep your core engaged to hold your back straight during this exercise. Beginners should opt for lighter weights. If you use weights that are too heavy, you may run the risk of getting a back injury.

Muscles Targeted

  • Biceps 
  • Pecs 
  • Delts 
  • Triceps 
  • Traps in the upper back

Squat Thruster

This is a variation of a squat and an overhead dumbbell press. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rest the dumbbells on your shoulders.

Bend your knees and squat down while holding the dumbbells on your shoulders. When you drive up from your heels out of the squat, you should thrust the dumbbells up and over your head.

At the top of the move, you should stand upright with the dumbbells over your head and your arms extended. Let the dumbbells down to your shoulders as you move back down into a squat. This is one rep.

Remember to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the move.

Muscles Targeted

  • Glutes 
  • Shoulders 
  • Hamstrings 
  • Biceps


dumbbell workout for beginners at home

Lunges are one of the most simple and effective ways to tone your legs and bum with dumbbells. You need two dumbbells to do lunges.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand while you lunge forward or backwards. You can complete the reps for one leg at a time or alternate your legs. You can also do lunge walks if you feel like it.

In the lunge position, your knees should not go over your toes.

Muscles Targeted

  • Glutes 
  • Quads 
  • Hamstrings 
  • Calves 
  • Forearms 
  • Core

Forward Lunge Bicep Curl

This is a variation of a lunge where you incorporate bicep curls to activate your legs and arms simultaneously.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand next to your sides with your palms facing forward. When you lower down into the lunge, bring the dumbbells towards your shoulders to do the bicep curl.

Lower the dumbbells back down and emerge from the lunge until you are in your starting position again. This is one rep.

Muscles Targeted

  • Quads 
  • Hamstrings 
  • Glutes 
  • Biceps 
  • Forearms

Calf Raises

Calf raises are one of the bestdumbbell exercises for cyclists and long-distance runners, who need strong calves to support them during their prolonged exercises sessions.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and simply let them hand next to your thighs. Keep them there as your push from your toes to raise your heels from the floor.

When you end up in a tip-toed position, lower your heels back down, and repeat.

Muscles Targeted

  • Calves 
  • Shoulders 

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